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Contact Crystal Phillips from Branch Out Nutrition (contact info above)




Successful Crystal Patches fundraiser!

08/06/2010 13:32

I am very happy to announce the total amount raised at my fundraiser last Saturday at the Mount Royal Metropolitan Grill:

$15 000!!

I could not help but break down when I stood at the front of the room with a microphone in hand staring back at a large room FULL of all my favourite people who are always there for me as friends and supporters.

"Her and Us" played their hearts out as usual and impressed the crowd with their talent.

"Light and Soul" used the energy and love from the room to paint a work of art that was sold for approximately $500. My favourite part of this painting was the quote that I will never forget: "See beyond sight..."

Ryan Jimmo AKA Robo Jimmo entertained the crowd (and maybe scared a few) with his unique talent of doing the robot

Denny Morrison made for a big highlight of the night by waxing his legs on stage

DJ's were rad and their beautiful girlfriends showed us all up on the dance floor!

The silent auction was popular and we even had CTV come out to take footage of the event.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this night so fun and successful!

Lots of pictures taken by Arno Hoogveld to come...